Първоначално кандидатите Маурисио Макри, Даниел Скиоли и Серхио Маса имаха тройно равенство в урните за президентските избори през 2015 г. Скиоли беше кандидатът на Фронта за победа, управляващата партия по това време, а Макри и Маса се противопоставиха. Останалите партии създадоха политическа коалиция, Широкият фронт НЯМА. Елиза Карио, лидер на Гражданската коалиция, напусна UNEN и се присъедини към коалиция с Републиканското предложение на Макри. И двамата ще се кандидатират на първичните избори. Радикалният граждански съюз беше разделен: Ернесто Санц предложи да се присъедини и към Макри…
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How do you think a political coalition impacts the choices available to voters compared to single-party candidates?
If you had the power to propose a major change in your country's political system, what would it be and why?
Have you ever experienced a change in leadership (at school, in community groups, etc.) that significantly altered the group's direction or morale? How did it affect you personally?
What qualities do you believe are most important for a leader to have in order to unite diverse groups with different interests?
Can you think of a situation where opposing parties or groups in your community had to come together to solve a problem? What was the outcome?
If a new political party was formed in your country promising significant change, what policies or values would you want it to prioritize?
Reflecting on the concept of 'change' in leadership, can you recall a time when a change was promised but didn't meet your expectations? How did that impact your viewpoint or beliefs?
How do you think social media influences the public’s perception of political parties or candidates during elections?
In what ways do you think a political leader can effectively address the concerns of a highly diverse electorate, with varying needs and values?
Discuss a time when you had to make a difficult choice between two appealing options. How did you decide, and do you think this process is similar to voting in elections?