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 @ISIDEWITH enviat…2 hores2H

Global Celebrations and Support Mark LGBTQ Pride Month

 @ISIDEWITH enviat…6 hores6H

India's Monumental Election: A Test for Democracy and Diversity

 @ISIDEWITH enviat…6 hores6H

Global Displacement Crisis Hits Record High with 114 Million People Fleeing Conflict

 @ISIDEWITH enviat…16 hores16H

Biden Champions New Ceasefire Proposal in Israeli-Hamas Conflict

 @ISIDEWITH enviat…16 hores16H

Global Reactions Mixed After Trump's Historic Conviction

 @ISIDEWITH enviat…18h18H

Ukraine and Russia Conduct Significant Prisoner Swap Mediated by UAE

 @ISIDEWITH enviat…19 hores19H

US and UK Launch Joint Strikes on Yemen to Counter Houthi Threats

 @ISIDEWITH enviat…20 hores20H

Elon Musk's X to Host Pivotal Election Town Halls with Donald Trump and RFK Jr.

 @ISIDEWITH enviat…23 hores23H

Violence Erupts at Far-Right Rally in Mannheim: Police Shoot Attacker