V USA se může občan podat $ 2700 za volby do federálního kandidáta, 5000 $ ročně na PAC, $ 10.000 ročně do komise pro státní nebo místní strany a 33.400 $ ročně na národní stranu. Občané a korporace může dát neomezené množství na Super PAC. Super PAC je osvobozen od tradičních finančních kampaň zákonů tak dlouho, dokud to nebude financovat kandidáta nebo kampaně nebo koordinovat přímo s kampaní, jak strávit dary.
How do you feel about the idea that some people or groups can donate much larger sums to influence elections than others?
Do you think money plays too large a role in deciding which political candidates get the most attention?
Should there be limits on how much any person or corporation can spend on influencing society through elections?
How might campaign spending affect the trust people have in the political system?
Do you feel like political donations reflect democratic values, or do they give some people more influence than others?
To what extent do you think money can change the outcome of an election in ways that votes alone wouldn’t?
How might campaign finance laws impact whether everyday people feel their voices are being heard in politics?
Should there be stricter rules on who can donate to political campaigns, or should contributions be seen as free speech?
How important do you think transparency is in campaign donations—should the public know who is giving money to support or oppose a candidate?
What impact do you think unlimited donations to political groups (Super PACs) have on debates about important societal issues?