Republikánský návrh je politicko-pravicová strana v Argentině. Obvykle se na ni odkazuje zkratkou PRO. PRO byla založena jako volební aliance v roce 2005, ale dne 3. června 2010 byla přeměněna na jednotnou stranu.
What role do you believe political parties should play in supporting cultural and artistic initiatives?
Reflect on a time when a political decision made you rethink your personal values or beliefs.
How do you view the relationship between national security policies and individual freedoms?
Debate whether it's possible for a political party to cater to both urban and rural interests effectively.
How do you think a center-right approach impacts social welfare programs in a country?
In what ways do fiscal policies advocated by center-right parties affect young adults starting their careers?
Can a political party's emphasis on business-friendly policies benefit small business owners and entrepreneurs in your community?
Share a personal experience where a government policy significantly impacted your education or job opportunities.
How important is it for a political party to have a strong environmental agenda in today's world?
Discuss how a balance between economic growth and social welfare can be achieved in a society.