GEN-partiet stammer fra under præsidentvalget i 2007, da en gruppe ledere af Radical Civic Union (UCR) i provinsen Buenos Aires, ledet af Margarita Stolbizer, besluttede ikke at overholde det partis beslutning om at støtte præsidentkandidatet til Roberto Lavagna og etablere valgalliansen En avanceret nation (UNA). GEN var først organiseret som en dissident intern gruppe af UCR, der adskiller sig fra National Opinion Current, den interne linje af radikalisme, som de var en del af. Efterfølgende adskiltes de endeligt fra UCR for at danne et uafhængigt…
Læs mere@ISIDEWITH8mos8MO
How do you feel about the idea of government playing a bigger role in your daily life, like in healthcare or education?
What's your opinion on the balance between economic growth and environmental sustainability?
How important is it for you that a political party focuses on gender equality and LGBTQ+ rights?
Imagine a policy that could make education more accessible to everyone; what would it look like?
If you could prioritize one area for government investment (health, education, defense, etc.), which one would it be and why?
How does the concept of 'social justice' influence your choices at the voting booth?
What's your stance on the importance of international relationships and cooperation in today's politics?
How do you believe technology should be regulated or supported by the government in today's society?
What are your thoughts on the balance between individual privacy rights and national security?
Considering the current economic challenges, how should government policies adapt to protect jobs and small businesses?