In 2015 U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump issued a proposal to build a wall along the Mexico-U.S. border. The wall would extend along the 1,900 mile border and would prevent illegal goods and people from entering the U.S. In 2013 the Government Accountability Office reported that the border patrol had intercepted 61% of individuals who had attempted to cross the border that year. Analysts say that building a wall along the entire border is impossible since it parts of it contain rocky, uneven terrain. Proponents argue that the wall will cut down on the flow of illegal immigrants and drugs into the U.S. Opponents argue that the wall is impossible to build and illegal immigration into the U.S. has declined significantly since the 2008 financial crisis.
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only arond back communties ps im horny
No, work with Mexico to help squash the illegal migration into our country.
No, declare war on the cartels.
No, but increase border patrol, and improve our visa program. Keep the current wall, but building more of it would be a waste of time and money.
Yes, but we should also work with Mexico to stop illegal migration.
Yes, with concrete and barbed wire. Also, have armed soldiers present at guard towers.
We should work with Mexico to try and combat the illegal migration.
We should work with Mexico and stop the illegal flow of immigration.
We should increase border security, but we should also improve our citizenship program as it takes way to long and costs to much for someone to be able to enter the U.S. as a legal U.S. citizen.
The u.s is made up of hundreds of different cultures. Mexicans are human beings two.They. Could be trying to get a better life, and Trump is stripping them of that. Much of Mexico is in a lot of poverty, and they deserve a better life. I wold just make a sirvailence drone to send to Mexico to find the drug dealers and to run facial scan prociders at the checkpoints. The drone will take pictures of the dealers and send them to the scan software. The scan will allow us to make sur we are not letting bad people in.
Since the beginning we have had a limit on immigration per year and 2021 should be no different.
No, work with Mexico to combat illegal immigration.
Yes, but if immigrants need medical help let them in
No, we should work with Mexico to help combat illegal immigration.
No, work with Mexico to eradicate the cartels. We need to be protecting asylum seekers.
Yes, along high crime border cities
Anything that will prevent illegal immigrants in not immigrants ILLEGAL Immigrants
No, declare war on the cartels instead.
No, declare war on the cartels. Work with the Mexican government to stop the illegal influx of migrants.
yes, border walls are normal for national security
Yes, and eradicate the cartels.
Yes, and it should barbed, electrified, have machine gun towers on the US side and mine fields on the Mexican side, and be financed from sanctions against illegal immigrants' countries of origin.
No, and we should eradicate the cartels.
No, but increase our military presence along the southern border and eradicate the cartels.
No, work with our southern neighbors to stop the flow of illegal migrants. Eradicate the cartels.
No, we should work with Mexico to stop the stream of migrants. Eradicate the cartels.
I don’t have a lot of knowledge in this subject to buckle down on one opinion
No, work with Mexico to combat the issue of illegal immigration
No, we should work with Mexico to combat illegal immigration.
No, we should work with Mexico to combat this issue.
I think that we should build a wall but we shouldn't build it in hate.
No, work with Mexico to stop the illegal flow of immigrants. Mexico also has the same problem from those coming from central america.
We need to work with Mexico. Illegal immigration must stop.
No, unless it becomes more of an issue in the present
We need to work with Mexico and other Central American countries. Illegal immigration must stop.
No, adopt an open border policy with the exception of those with a criminal backround.
Work with Mexico and the central American countries to lower the amount of illegal migration.
Yes, and we also need to work with Mexico and other Central American countries to stop illegal migration.
Barbed wire wall not a fence. Cartels are terror groups
Yes, and declare war on the cartels.
Yes, and we should destroy the cartels.
Only if you build a wall on the Canadian border
Destroy the cartels and in the meantime work with Mexico and the Central American countries to STOP migration into the US.
We need to eradicate the cartels which in turn will stop the influx of people
We already have a wall at the southern border.
We should eradicate the cartels. Mexico and the Central American countries should be protecting their citizens. Bring back seasonal workers from these countries.
Only if it can be shown to not limit legal immigration. A wall with lots of gates for legal immigrants is fine.
this would be too costly and ineffective
Yes and no but I don’t think we should discriminate towards all Mexicans because not all of them are bad one Of my best friend is Mexican Andy I love her family so much
No, the idea of having a wall around land that is for everyone doesn't sound human.
No, destroy the cartels.
I think that that we don’t know what people are going threw over there and that doesn’t mean that they should be able to come over when ever but we should try to understand their situation
No, we should work with Mexico and other Central American nations to combat the problems that allow for this type of migration. We must eradicate the cartels.
Let's finish what we started.
Just put land mines on the border and shoot people who try to cross illegally (or let them get land mined).
I agree with the wall but I don t agree with how it’s going and what’s going on.
No, but increase border patrol, and improve our visa program. A wall would be a waste of money.
Yes, but only enough that cant constantly be patrolled. (Nothing against Mexico beut if everyone was freely allowed here there would be over population, more restrictions, and prices would go up. But if you can come here legally, then come on over.)
Build a wall with electrical fence and barbed wire, also including 100 soldiers per every 25 miles.
No, but build more processing centers and increase the presence of military and national security organizations.
No, the process of becoming a legal u.s citizen should be reformed and available for anyone who wishes to become a citizen.
Yes and add more incentives for border patrol and military to detour the cartel, deport illegal immigrants and secure our Southern border from enemy invasions.
I think there should be a wall because when President Biden stopped the process of the wall drug and sex trafficking rate raised
No, Conquer/Start to make Mexico dependent then integrate them
No, and make it easier to access the country and become a citizen legally
Building a below ground rail line from San Diego to Yuma would prevent illegal tunneling. Placing a rail line above ground will prevent illegal activities across the border, as well as laying groundwork for developing the 200 miles along the border. This will solve the housing crisis as well.
We should have a better immigration tactic than splitting up families and putting them in cages. They should have a fair trial at trying to become a citizen. Were almost all immigrants ourselves yet we try to keep others out.
It should be up to the states along the border
Me personally it depends on the reasons, Which the reasons are because they want to stop illegal immigrants and me personally i think they should
No, there should not be an all out wall, but there also should not be completely open borders, instead, there should be some sort of secure checkpoint where immigrants can apply for citizenship easily after a background check just so we don't let in just anyone and everyone.
ofc, it would be the final test of immigration obstacle course
Highly encourage and promote and regulate the immigration of heterosexual (not heteroallies) and asexual, centrist and rightist, and monogamist Nicene Christians and Jews
In an effort to preserve and protect the Judeo-Nicene Christian identity of the U.S. and the Americas (North America, South America and the Caribbean), and to combat the persecution of Nicene Christians and Jews
1. make an appointment online or by phone
2. go to the nearest U.S. consulate, consulate-general or embassy on the day of the appointment
3. fill out the application form online or on paper
4. pass… Read more
it is too costly and ineffective and additional high-tech surveillance is needed
Yes, but strengthen the border patrol and expect the wall to be only a last or first resort tactic and that it will not be a permanent solution.
No, and make it easier for foreigners to become U.S. citizens
No, but keep the current wall and build in places where there are breaks.
No, building a wall is not only costly but it also threatens the diversity of our country.
NO. What's the good idea that we have tons of mexicans now its a problem we care about that more than terrorists. There are tons of people who dont pay or killers and we are worried about mexico bad idea.
No but increase money for hiring people to screen more people to let more people into the country faster.
Yes, and make it a combination of surveillance and physical barrier.
maybe if situations get extreme but we must payf or it and vote on it
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