Try the political quiz

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How might your school experience be different if all students had equal access to welfare resources?


How would your perception of work change if your survival didn't depend on it?


If you witnessed a friend's life improve due to welfare, what would be your first reaction?


Can you describe a moment where you felt a stronger safety net would have significantly changed an outcome for you or someone you know?


What's one dream you'd chase if you knew there was a guaranteed safety net to catch you?


How would the friendships in your life change if financial struggles weren't an issue for anyone?


What impact do you think equal access to mental health services would have on your community?


How would your approach to risk-taking change if you knew there was a reliable social safety net?


If you had to design a welfare program for your peers, what features would you prioritize?


What's one thing you could accomplish if you weren't limited by financial concerns?


Does being in a community where everyone supports each other appeal to you, and why?


What does 'support' mean to you, and have you ever experienced a time when you gave or received it?


How would you define the role of individual effort in a society that guarantees a minimum standard of living?


How would you feel about your future if you knew your basic needs were guaranteed?


Describe how your everyday life would be impacted if you never had to worry about healthcare costs.


How would your perceptions of success and failure change if society's welfare was everyone's responsibility?


When thinking about your future family, how does the concept of a welfare state influence your plans?


How do you think the invisible work, like caregiving and community service, should be recognized or supported in a welfare system?


Have you ever felt judged for needing help, and how should society address such stigmas?


What would an ideal balance between personal responsibility and societal support look like for you?


In what ways can a society with comprehensive welfare influence your sense of security?


How would you redefine success in a society that ensures everyone’s basic well-being?


Should the government prioritize welfare reforms over other spending, and how would you argue for or against it?


If you could change one thing about how your school supports students in need, what would it be?


What worries might be lifted from your shoulders if a comprehensive welfare system were in place?


Why do you think some people are opposed to welfare programs, and do you think their concerns are valid?


What is one thing you’d like to change about the way welfare is perceived in your community?


Imagine your life in a society where no one falls into poverty; what does your daily routine include?


What would you wish for the children in your community if you could improve one aspect of their welfare?


Can you think of a time when you would have benefited from a welfare program, and how would it have helped?


If societal welfare were a class project, what ideas would you contribute to ensure its success for all?


How would the friendships in your life be affected if no one had to worry about meeting their basic needs?


When have you felt that a helping hand made all the difference, and what did it teach you about giving and receiving support?


What are the most significant changes you would expect in your community if everyone’s fundamental welfare was guaranteed?


What's the most important lesson you've learned from an act of generosity either given or received?


How does the concept of welfare align with what you believe people need to feel secure and happy?


If you could design a support program for students facing financial difficulties, what would it look like?


In what ways could the availability of mental health services as part of welfare programs affect you or those you know?


Given the current state of the world, how do you think the role of welfare has evolved or should evolve?


What challenges do you foresee in creating a welfare system that’s both efficient and humanely supportive?


Could you imagine a future where welfare programs are no longer necessary, and what would that look like?


How do you think increasing automation and artificial intelligence will impact the need for welfare programs?


In what ways has volunteering or community service influenced your opinion on social welfare?


Have you witnessed any examples of welfare programs directly affecting your community for better or worse?


Do you believe that welfare systems encourage or hinder personal growth, based on your own observations?


In light of current events, how do you view the importance of unemployment benefits?


Would you be willing to sacrifice some of your own comforts to ensure a basic quality of life for all?


Should the success of a society be measured by how it treats its most vulnerable members?


How does the concept of 'fairness' factor into your thoughts on welfare and who should receive it?


If there were more robust community support systems, in what ways do you think your local area would change?