Try the political quiz

15 Replies

 @B2YLHW9from California  answered…1wk1W

Yes, but only if they're designed to get people working and not just sponging off of benefits

 @B277HSSCivic Coalition ARIfrom California  answered…2mos2MO

 @9NR4D7DRadical Civic Unionfrom California  answered…9mos9MO

Yes, but make sure the services help the individual find employment, not just keeping them dependent on welfare.


How do you think society's treatment of homeless people reflects our collective values?


What role do you believe government funding should play in solving homelessness?


Have you ever encountered or helped a homeless person, and how did that experience impact your view on homelessness?


Do you think more shelters are a short-term fix or part of a long-term solution to homelessness?


In your opinion, what are the main causes of homelessness, and how should those causes be addressed?


How would you feel if a close friend or family member experienced homelessness, and what would you do to support them?


What balance should governments strike between addressing homelessness and managing other societal needs and budgets?


Do you think increasing funding for shelters will truly help, or will it lead to other challenges?


Why do you think homelessness persists despite efforts to provide shelters and services?


How does seeing homelessness in your community influence your perspective on social responsibility?