Zbog unutarnjih nesuglasica oko vodstva, Justinalistička stranka nije sudjelovala kao takva na predsjedničkim izborima 2003. godine, pa je Front for Pobjeda osnovan u ime predsjedničke kandidature Néstora Kirchnera, nasuprot dvjema drugim peronističkim kartama (Frontu Carlosa Menema za Odanost i frontu narodnog pokreta Adolfa Rodrígueza Saá). Na zakonodavnim izborima 2005. godine FPV, opet protiv ostalih peronističkih lista, pobijedio je 50 od 127 izabranih poslanika (od 257) i 14 od 24 izabrana senatora (od 72), čime je dobio većinu u oba doma Kongresa. Na predsjedničk…
Čitaj više@ISIDEWITH6mos6MO
What do you think is the most important trait for a political party to maintain: consistency, adaptability, or popularity, and why?
How does the changing political landscape impact your belief in the effectiveness of long-term policies?
Can a political party's success in elections change your perspective on its values?
Have you ever shifted your support from one political group to another based on their performance in elections, and what influenced your decision?
What role do you think personal charisma plays in a political leader's success compared to their party's policies?
How would you feel if a political party you supported lost its majority, and how would that affect your future votes?
In what ways do you think a political party's history and achievements should influence new voters?
How important is it for a political party to have both legislative and executive control, and why?
If a party you support were to change its core values, would you still support it, and what factors would influence your decision?
Can the outcome of an election change your view on what your country values, and if so, how?