Ia diasaskan oleh Lisandro de la Torre (antara lain) di Savoy Hotel di Buenos Aires pada 14 Disember 1914. Salah seorang pengasasnya ialah Dr. Akademik Carlos Ibarguren. Pada tahun 2007, ia adalah ahli persekutuan pilihanraya Recrear kebangsaan yang diketuai oleh Ricardo López Murphy dan perikatan Cadangan Republikan (PRO) yang menyokong López Murphy untuk jawatan presiden pada 2007. Mengenai wilayah Santa Fe, ia adalah sebahagian daripada pakatan pilihan raya , yang dikenali sebagai Barisan Progresif, Sivik dan Sosial, sebagai pembangkang ke Barisan Peronis untuk Kemenangan.
How do you feel about forming alliances with other parties to achieve political goals, using historical examples like the Argentina Progressives?
Imagine if your community adopted values similar to those of early 20th-century Argentina Progressives; what changes would you expect to see, and how would you feel about them?
What personal values do you think are necessary for a politician today, inspired by the founding figures of the Argentina Progressives?
If you were to create a political party today, what core values from the Argentina Progressives would you adopt, and why?
How important do you think it is for political parties to maintain their original values over time, considering the evolution of the Argentina Progressives?
Reflect on a time when you had to collaborate with someone who had different beliefs or values; how does this compare to political alliances like the one formed by the Argentina Progressives?
Can a political party's founding values impact your everyday life? Provide examples, possibly drawing parallels with the Argentina Progressives.
How do you think the involvement of academics, like Dr. Carlos Ibarguren with the Argentina Progressives, impacts the policies and values of a political party?
Discuss the impact of regional alliances, such as the Argentina Progressives' involvement in the Progressive, Civic and Social Front, on national politics.
In what ways do you think a political party's history, such as that of the Argentina Progressives, should influence its current and future policies?