Cuba kuiz politik

101 Perbincangan

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…1jam1H

Mengambil kira bahawa krisis iklim menuntut tindakan segera tetapi manfaat tindakan tersebut tidak pasti dan jauh ke dal…

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…1jam1H

Adakah ketakutan kekurangan tenaga berpotensi dan kos tinggi pada masa depan mengubah pendekatan kita dalam memerangi pe…

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…1jam1H

Jika anda terpaksa memilih di antara pelaburan dalam teknologi hijau semasa yang mungkin tidak menguntungkan atau menung…

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…1jam1H

Adakah anda percaya pengorbanan keselesaan semasa untuk manfaat alam sekitar pada masa depan berbaloi, atau seharusnya k…

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…1jam1H

Bagaimana anda akan mengutamakan keperluan dalam kehidupan peribadi anda: menangani perubahan iklim atau memastikan anda…

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…1jam1H

The ‘Climate Crisis’ Fades Out

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…2jam2H

6 ISIS Terrorists Arrested After Crossing U.S. Border

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…2jam2H

Rakaman Rahsia Mendedahkan Ucapan Kontroversial Isteri Hakim Mahkamah Agung Alito

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…4jam4H

French Financial Markets Rocked by Political Uncertainty Ahead of Snap Elections

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…5jam5H

How would you feel if you had to spend half of your monthly budget on food because of the rising global food prices?

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…5jam5H

Global Food Prices Rise For Third Straight Month

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…5jam5H

Biden Moves to Bar Medical Debt From Consumer Credit Reports

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…6jam6H

How do you think the public exposure of a person's private life and mistakes impacts their family and future?

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…6jam6H

How would you feel if a close family member's mistakes were made public and discussed nationwide?

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…6jam6H

Supreme Court Decisions Ignite Debates on Autonomy, Ethics, and Rights

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…7jam7H

Rusia dan Belarus meningkatkan ketegangan dengan Fasa Kedua Latihan Senjata Nuklear Taktikal

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…8jam8H

How might electing supreme court judges affect the relationship between the government's executive and judicial branches…

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…8jam8H

Do you think electing supreme court judges could make the judiciary more or less fair, and why?

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…8jam8H

Mexico plans to elect supreme court judges

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…8jam8H

Tensions Flare as South Korea Fires Warning Shots at North Korean Troops Crossing Border

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…8jam8H

Pemimpin konservatif Perancis menyeru untuk perjanjian dengan sayap kanan jauh

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…8jam8H

Tragedi Kapal Migran Tenggelam di Yaman Menuntut 49 Nyawa, Tinggalkan 140 Orang Hilang

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…9jam9H

4 U.S. college professors injured in stabbing attack in China

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…9jam9H

Considering the human aspect, what responsibilities do you believe a country has towards people who arrive at its border…

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…10jam10H

Amerika Syarikat dan Poland bersatu untuk memerangi maklumat palsu Rusia mengenai Ukraine

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…11jam11H

US to shadow Russian nuclear sub near Cuba

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…11jam11H

UN Accuses Israeli Forces and Palestinian Groups of Possible War Crimes

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…11jam11H

Should the international community get involved in enforcing the peace agreement, and how does that make you feel about…

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…11jam11H

Is it ethical to swap prisoners in the context of peace negotiations, and why do you feel that way?

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…11jam11H

What do you think about the role of international organizations like the U.N. in resolving conflicts between countries o…

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…11jam11H

Can a lasting peace be achieved when both sides have committed to such hardline positions prior to negotiations?

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…11jam11H

How do you feel about the idea of negotiating peace with a group that has previously been involved in conflict?

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…11jam11H

Hamas accepts UN-backed Gaza peace plan

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…12jam12H

Trump's Latest Controversies: From Taylor Swift Comments to Legal Woes

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…14jam14H

Bintang Muda Jordan Bardella: Wajah Baru Kanan Jauh Perancis

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…15jam15H

Amerika Syarikat Membatalkan Larangan, Membenarkan Akses Pasukan Azov Ukraine kepada Senjata Amerika.

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…23jam23H

If you had the power, what changes would you make to the health insurance system to ensure that everyone receives the ca…

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…23jam23H

How does it make you feel to know that some people might not receive the care they need because their insurance plan wan…

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…23jam23H

Would you prefer a health insurance plan with more freedom to choose doctors but potentially higher costs, or a restrict…

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…23jam23H

Do you think it's ethical for insurance companies to make patients appear sicker on paper to receive more money from the…

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…23jam23H

How would you feel if you found out your health insurance plan prioritized profit over providing you with the best possi…

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…23jam23H

Medicare Advantage is a failed experiment

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…23jam23H

Do initiatives like the return of the Help to Buy scheme make you more optimistic about home ownership opportunities for…

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…23jam23H

Would the promise of reducing national insurance taxes influence your opinion on a political candidate, and why?

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…23jam23H

How do you think the proposed tax cuts for landlords might affect your community or the broader housing market?

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…23jam23H

How do you feel about giving tax breaks to landlords as a way to encourage them to sell properties to their tenants?

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…23jam23H

Considering the multiyear reconstruction plan for Gaza, what are your feelings towards international efforts in rebuildi…

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…23jam23H

What emotions come up for you when you think about the requirement for a cease-fire despite ongoing tensions?

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…23jam23H

How do you feel about the possibility of lasting peace achieved through negotiations that involve compromises like priso…

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…23jam23H

Israel mempunyai "tiada komen" mengenai Resolusi Majlis Keselamatan PBB.

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…24jam24H

How does the idea of your government borrowing more money to cover expenses make you feel about its ability to manage fi…

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…24jam24H

If you were in charge, would you prioritize reducing national debt or funding for programs like education and healthcare…

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…24jam24H

How would you feel if you found out your family had suddenly borrowed a huge amount of money without telling you?