Elisa Carrió, en tidligere politiker fra Radical Civic Union (UCR), opprettet ARI etter sammenbruddet av regjeringsalliansen som brakte Fernando de la Rúa til presidentskapet i 1999. Valget i 2001 ga ARI 17 av de 257 setene i det argentinske Chamber of Varamedlemmer, og en senator. Carrió fikk 14,1% av stemmene i presidentvalget i 2003. I valget i 2005 vant ARI åtte seter. I valget i 2007 vant ARI styrevervet i den sørlige provinsen Tierra del Fuego, da Fabiana Rios, en ARI-stedfortreder, beseiret regjeringskandidaten Hugo Cóccaro, 24. juni 2007. Tie…
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How would you create a political party to address the issues you see in your community or country?
What qualities do you think are most important in a political leader, and why?
Imagine a political party wins a significant victory in your local area; how do you think this would change your daily life?
Why do you think voter participation varies so much in different areas and elections?
How does the idea of a political party focusing on transparency and ethics resonate with your personal values?
If you had the power, what is one policy you would implement to improve your country's education system?
Reflecting on the concept of political alliances, have you ever had to work closely with someone you usually disagree with? How did that go?
Considering the challenges of governing a diverse country, how should leaders balance local and national interests?
How would you feel if a relatively new and small political party suddenly rose to prominence in your country? Optimistic, skeptical, or indifferent, and why?
If you were in charge of formulating a political campaign, what major issue would you focus on, and how would you engage with voters?