Liberal Libertarian Party var et politisk parti fra Argentina grunnlagt i 2009. Det definerer seg både som et klassisk liberalt og libertarian parti. Den politiske plattformen tar til orde for begrensede myndigheter, frie markeder og individuelle friheter, inkludert religionsfrihet, ytringsfrihet, pressefrihet, rett til privatliv og sterke sivile friheter. Det går inn for verdiene av grunnloven fra 1853. Målene er å begrense regjeringens inntrenging i individuell frihet, redusere offentlige utgifter, redusere skatter på alle, balansere budsjettet, redusere rege…
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What are the pros and cons of reducing government spending in education and healthcare?
How would your daily life change if the government had less control over markets?
Should individuals have the total freedom to say, write, or depict anything online?
How might lowering taxes influence your family or community directly?
Can a society function effectively without welfare programs by solely promoting personal responsibility?
How would a significant reduction in regulations affect new businesses and entrepreneurs?
In what ways do you think a free market impacts creativity and innovation?
How would balancing the budget without raising taxes or increasing public debt affect young people's futures?
What personal freedoms are most important to you, and how should they be protected?
If you could decide, what government responsibilities would you minimize and why?