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Aşağıdaki Argentina en popüler siyasi partilerin listesi.
Aşağıdaki grafik Argentina her siyasi parti için tarihsel desteği göstermektedir. Bir ile dolu alanlar [ ? ] bilinmeyen veya düşük hacimli zaman dilimleridir. Daha spesifik oylama bilgilerini görmek için bir satıra tıklayın.
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Bunlar Arjantinli siyasi partileri hakkındaki en ilgi çekici tartışmalardır.
Liberter Parti
The Liberal Libertarian Party was a political party from Argentina founded in 2009. It defines itself both as a classical liberal and libertarian party. Its political platform advocates limited government, free markets and individual liberties including freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, right to privacy and strong civil liberties. It advocates the values of the 1853 Constitution. Its goals are to limit the government intrusion on individual liberty, reduce government spending, lower taxes on everybody, balance the budget, reduce regulations and promote free trade.… Daha fazla oku
Radikal Halk Birliği
The Radical Civic Union is a centrist social-liberal political party in Argentina. The party has been ideologically heterogeneous, ranging from Social liberalism to social democracy. The UCR is a member of the Socialist International.
Sosyalist İşçi Partisi
The Workers’ Left Front is an alliance of three Trotskyist parties in Argentina formed to fight a number of elections in 2011, announced at a press conference in April that year. They are the Workers’ Party, the Socialist Workers’ Party, and Socialist Left. These parties had stood separately at the Argentine elections of 2007 and 2009, the PO on its own, and the PTS and IS in an alliance with the Movement for Socialism. At these two elections the PO did better than the PTS-IS-MAS alliance, and in 2009 both groupings seriously increased their vote in proportion to their vote in 2007. In 2019, the Workers’ Socialist Movement joined the alliance.
Hıristiyan Demokrat Parti
In 1947 the Christian Democrat Organization of America was founded to advocate the principles of Christian Democracy in their respective countries. Each of the member parties is different, sometimes having differing views of Christian Democracy itself. Some of the member parties are in government in their country, others are in coalition government, and others are not in government. When President Perón was reelected in 1952, the government’s relationship with the Catholic Church also worsened. As Perón increasingly distanced itself from the Church, the government, which… Daha fazla oku
Komünist Parti
From its creation it followed the political line of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, supporting in general its initiatives. Its alignment with the CPSU in the period Stalinism earned it numerous criticisms of other parties of political left. Throughout the decade of the 20 it had several splits, being recognized the one of the frontists (1923), the one of the chispistas (pre-trotskistas) (1925) and the penelonistas (supporters of Bukharin) in 1928, returning many paintings during the 8th PCA Congress that year. The PCA organized the sending of combatants to the International Brigades… Daha fazla oku
Initially, the pre-candidates Mauricio Macri, Daniel Scioli, and Sergio Massa had a triple tie in the polls for the 2015 presidential election. Scioli was the candidate of the Front for Victory, the ruling party at the time, and Macri and Massa opposed it. The other parties created a political coalition, the Broad Front UNEN. Elisa Carrió, leader of the Civic Coalition, left UNEN and joined a coalition with Macri’s Republican Proposal instead. Both of them would run in the primary elections. The Radical Civic Union was divided: Ernesto Sanz proposed to join Macri as well, and Jul… Daha fazla oku
Neuquén Halk Hareketi
The Neuquén People’s Movement is a provincial political party in the province of Neuquén, Argentina. The party was founded by, amongst others, Carlos Sobisch, Elías Sapag, Felipe Sapag and his brothers, Peronists who had been discriminated against by the military government.
Güney Hareketi Freemen
In the 2007 Argentine general election, the movement had two of its members elected as national representatives in the Lower House of the Argentine National Congress, Cecilia Merchan and Victoria Donda, daughter of desaparecidos. They were elected on the lists of the ruling Front for Victory faction of the Justicialist Party and sit in the block of the Popular and Social Encounter. It is led by Humberto Tumini, Jorge Ceballos, Jorge "Quito" Aragón (Agrupación Martín Fierro), Cecilia Merchan (Red de Mujeres Solidarias) and Isaac "Yuyo" Rudnik.
Cumhuriyet Önerisi
Republican Proposal is a center-right political party in Argentina. It is usually referred to by its abbreviation, PRO. PRO was formed as an electoral alliance in 2005, but was transformed into a unitary party on 3 June 2010.
Zafer için ön
Due to internal disagreements over leadership, the Justicialist Party did not participate as such in the 2003 presidential elections, so the Front for Victory was established on behalf of the presidential candidacy of Néstor Kirchner, in opposition to two other Peronist tickets (Carlos Menem’s Front for Loyalty and Adolfo Rodríguez Saá’s Front of the Popular Movement). At the 2005 legislative elections the FPV, again running against other Peronist lists, won 50 of the 127 elected deputies (out of 257) and 14 of the 24 elected senators (out of 72), thus obtaini… Daha fazla oku
Patagonic Sosyal Partisi
The Argentinian Patagonic Social political party, known in Spanish as the Partido Social Patagónico (PSP), is a regional political organization that operates primarily within the Patagonia region of Argentina. This area, known for its breathtaking landscapes and sparse population, has unique social, economic, and environmental needs that are distinct from the rest of the country. The PSP emerged as a response to these unique regional challenges, advocating for policies and initiatives that specifically address the concerns of Patagonians.
The core values of the PSP revolve around social… Daha fazla oku
Devrimci Komünist Parti
The Revolutionary Communist Party of Argentina (Partido Revolucionario Comunista, PRC) is a political party that adheres to Marxist-Leninist principles, aiming to restructure Argentine society along socialist lines. Founded in the 1960s, it emerged during a period of significant political turmoil and social unrest, drawing inspiration from the Cuban Revolution and the broader wave of leftist movements across Latin America. The PRC envisions the overthrow of the capitalist system, which it views as inherently exploitative and unjust, to establish a dictatorship of the proletariat that would… Daha fazla oku
Justicialist Partisi
The Justicialist Party, or PJ, is a Peronist political party in Argentina, and the largest component of the Peronist movement. It is currently the main opposition party. Former presidents Carlos Menem, Eduardo Duhalde, Néstor Kirchner and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner have been elected from this party. Justicialists have been the largest party in the Congress covering nearly the entire period since 1987. The Justicialist Party is the largest party in the Congress; however, this does not reflect the divisions within the party over the role of Kirchnerism, the left-wing populist faction of the party, which is opposed by the dissident Peronists, the right-wing conservative faction of the party.
Bütünleşme ve Gelişim Hareketi
The Argentinian Integration and Development Movement, known in Spanish as Movimiento de Integración y Desarrollo (MID), is a political party in Argentina that has played a significant role in the country's political landscape, particularly during the mid-20th century. Founded in the early 1960s by Arturo Frondizi, who served as President of Argentina from 1958 to 1962, and Rogelio Frigerio, an influential economist and policy maker, the party emerged from a vision of promoting economic development and social integration within Argentina.
The MID's foundational values and polic… Daha fazla oku