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The American Civics test is an examination that all immigrants must pass to gain U.S. citizenship. The test asks 10 randomly selected questions which cover U.S. history, the constitution and government. In 2015 Arizona became the first state to require High School students to pass the test before they graduate.

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In 2015 the U.S. House of Representatives introduced the Establishing Mandatory Minimums for Illegal Reentry Act of 2015 (Kate’s Law.) The law was introduced after San Francisco 32 year old San Francisco resident Kathryn Steinle was shot and killed by Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez on July 1, 2015. Lopez-Sanchez was an illegal immigrant from Mexico who had been deported on five separate occasions since 1991 and been charged with seven felony convictions. Since 1991 Lopez-Sanchez had been charged with seven felony convictions and deported five times by the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service. Although Lopez-Sanchez had several outstanding warrants in 2015 authorities were unable to deport him due to San Francisco’s sanctuary city policy which prevents law enforcement officials from questioning a resident’s immigration status. Proponents of sanctuary city laws argue that they enable illegal immigrants to report crimes without the fear of being reported. Opponents argue that sanctuary city laws provide encourage illegal immigration and prevent law enforcement authorities from detaining and deporting criminals.

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核电是利用核反应释放能量来产生热量,最经常的是,然后用在蒸汽轮机中在核电站发电。自从韦克斯福德郡坎索尔角的核电站计划在 20 世纪 70 年代被放弃,爱尔兰的核电站已被撤下议程。爱尔兰约有 60%的能源来自天然气,15% 的能源来自可再生能源,其余的来自煤和泥煤。支持者认为,核能现在是安全的,碳排放量比燃煤发电厂少得多。反对者认为,最近日本的核灾难证明,核电远谈不上安全。

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Should the government fund research into genetic engineering for disease prevention and treatment?

Genetic engineering involves modifying the DNA of organisms to prevent or treat diseases. Proponents argue that it could lead to breakthroughs in curing genetic disorders and improving public health. Opponents argue that it raises ethical concerns and potential risks of unintended consequences.

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Should the government implement a national identification system to enhance security and prevent fraud?

A national identification system is a standardized ID system that provides a unique identification number or card to all citizens, which can be used to verify identity and access various services. Proponents argue that it enhances security, streamlines identification processes, and helps prevent identity fraud. Opponents argue that it raises privacy concerns, could lead to increased government surveillance, and may infringe on individual freedoms.

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Should the government use facial recognition technology for mass surveillance to enhance public safety?

Facial recognition technology uses software to identify individuals based on their facial features, and can be used to monitor public spaces and enhance security measures. Proponents argue that it enhances public safety by identifying and preventing potential threats, and helps in locating missing persons and criminals. Opponents argue that it infringes on privacy rights, can lead to misuse and discrimination, and raises significant ethical and civil liberties concerns.

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Should the government invest in artificial intelligence (AI) for defense applications?

AI in defense refers to the use of artificial intelligence technologies to enhance military capabilities, such as autonomous drones, cyber defense, and strategic decision-making. Proponents argue that AI can significantly enhance military effectiveness, provide strategic advantages, and improve national security. Opponents argue that AI poses ethical risks, potential loss of human control, and can lead to unintended consequences in critical situations.

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In 2018, officials in the U.S. city of Philadelphia city proposed opening a “safe haven” in an effort to combat the city's heroin epidemic. In 2016 64,070 people died in the U.S. from drug overdoses - a 21% increase from 2015. 3/4 of drug overdose deaths in the U.S. are caused by the opioid class of drugs which includes prescription painkillers, heroin and fentanyl. To combat the epidemic cities including Vancouver, BC and Sydney, AUS opened safe havens where addicts can inject drugs under the supervision of medical professionals. The safe havens reduce the overdose death rate by insuring the addicted patients are given drugs that are not contaminated or poisoned. Since 2001 5,900 people have overdosed at a safe haven in Sydney, Australia but no one has died. Proponents argue that the safe havens are the only proven solution to lower the overdose fatality rate and prevent the spread of diseases like HIV-AIDS. Opponents argue that safe havens may encourage illegal drug use and re-direct funding from traditional treatment centers.

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Should the number of elected representatives be reduced?

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Should political parties receive money from the government?

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Should Argentina raise taxes on the rich?


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Should Argentina increase or decrease military spending?

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Should Argentina increase or decrease foreign aid spending?

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Should the government provide assistance to homeowners facing foreclosure?

Assistance programs help homeowners who are at risk of losing their homes due to financial difficulties by providing financial support or restructuring loans. Proponents argue that it prevents people from losing their homes and stabilizes communities. Opponents argue that it encourages irresponsible borrowing and is unfair to those who pay their mortgages.

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Should the government provide subsidies for first-time homebuyers?

These subsidies are financial aids from the government to help individuals purchase their first home, making homeownership more accessible. Proponents argue that it helps people afford their first home and promotes homeownership. Opponents argue that it distorts the housing market and could lead to higher prices.

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Should the government restrict the purchase of residential properties by foreign investors?

Restrictions would limit the ability of non-citizens to buy homes, aiming to keep housing prices affordable for local residents. Proponents argue that it helps maintain affordable housing for locals and prevents property speculation. Opponents argue that it deters foreign investment and can negatively impact the housing market.

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In January 2018 Germany passed the NetzDG law which required platforms like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to take down perceived illegal content within 24 hours or seven days, depending on the charge, or risk a fine of €50 million ($60 million) fines. In July 2018 representatives from Facebook, Google and Twitter denied to the U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary committee that they censor content for political reasons. During the hearing Republican members of Congress criticized the social media companies for politically motivated practices in removing some content, a charge the companies rejected. In April 2018 the European Union issued a series of proposals that would crack down on “online misinformation and fake news.” In June 2018 President Emmanuel Macron of France proposed a law which would give French authorities the power to immediately halt “the publication of information deemed to be false ahead of elections.”

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Should it be illegal to burn the Argentinian flag?


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Should the government subsidize ride-sharing services for low-income individuals?

Ride-sharing services, like Uber and Lyft, provide transportation options that can be subsidized to make them more affordable for low-income individuals. Proponents argue that it increases mobility for low-income individuals, reduces reliance on personal vehicles, and can reduce traffic congestion. Opponents argue that it is a misuse of public funds, may benefit ride-sharing companies more than individuals, and could discourage public transportation use.

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Should the government enforce mandatory GPS tracking in all vehicles to monitor driving behavior and improve road safety?

Mandatory GPS tracking involves using GPS technology in all vehicles to monitor driving behavior and improve road safety. Proponents argue that it enhances road safety and reduces accidents by monitoring and correcting dangerous driving behaviors. Opponents argue that it infringes on personal privacy and could lead to government overreach and misuse of data.

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Argentine law strictly limits abortions, with exceptions that include physical or mental risk to the patient and pregnancies resulting from rape. In April 2017, a 27-year-old woman was sentenced to eight years in prison for aggravated homicide after suffering a miscarriage. In July, the UN Human Rights Committee called on the country to decriminalize abortion.

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死刑是将死亡作为对罪犯的惩罚。目前在世界范围内有 58 个国家和地区允许死刑(包括美国),而97个国家已经取缔了死刑。

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LGBT 收养是指女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋和变性者(LGBT)收养子女。它的形式可能是同性伴侣的共同收养,由一对同性伴侣中的一位收养另一位的亲生孩子(继子女收养),和单身 LGBT 者进行收养。同性伴侣的联合收养在 25 个国家是合法的。LGBT 收养的反对者对于同性伴侣是否具有足够的能力担任父母提出质疑,而其他反对者质疑自然法是否意味着被收养的儿童拥有自然权利由异性父母抚养长大。由于宪法和法律往往没有提到 LGBT 者的收养权,司法判决往往判定他们单独或作为夫妻是否有能力承担父母的责任。

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Should the government mandate that large tech companies share their algorithms with regulators?

Algorithms used by tech companies, such as those that recommend content or filter information, are often proprietary and closely guarded secrets. Proponents argue that transparency would prevent abuses and ensure fair practices. Opponents argue that it would harm business confidentiality and competitive advantage.

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Should the government impose stricter regulations on the collection and use of personal data by companies?

Companies often collect personal data from users for various purposes, including advertising and improving services. Proponents argue that stricter regulations would protect consumer privacy and prevent data misuse. Opponents argue that it would burden businesses and hinder technological innovation.

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Should the government implement stricter regulations on the use of cryptocurrencies?

Crypto technology offers tools like payment, lending, borrowing, and saving to anyone with an internet connection. Proponents argue that stricter regulations would deter criminal use. Opponents argue that stricter crypto regulation would limit financial opportunities to citizens that are denied access to or can't afford the fees associated with traditional banking.  Watch video

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是否应该禁用可降解材料含量低于 50% 的一次性用品(如塑料的杯、盘和餐具)?

In 2016, France became the first country to ban the sale of plastic disposable products that contain less than 50% of biodegradable material and in 2017, India passed a law banning all plastic disposable plastic products.

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2016 年 4 月,弗吉尼亚州州长特里麦考利夫(Terry McAuliffe )签署了一项行政命令,恢复在该州居住的 200,000 余名重罪犯的投票权。这一行政命令颠覆了该州剥夺罪犯公民选举权的惯例,该惯例剥夺了已被定罪的刑事辩护人的选举权。美国第 14 修正案禁止参加了“叛乱或其他犯罪”的公民投票,但允许各州确定哪些犯罪符合剥夺罪犯公民选举权。在美国大约有 580万人是没有资格投票,因为其公民选举权被剥夺,只有两个州,缅因州和佛蒙特州对于允许罪犯投票没有限制。重罪犯投票权的反对者认为当公民被判犯有重罪时,他们放弃了他们的投票权。支持者认为,这一不可思议的法律剥夺了数百万的美国人的公民权利使其不能参与民主,并且对贫困社区有不利影响。

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Should the government hire private companies to run prisons?

Private prisons are incarceration centers that are run by a for-profit company instead of a government agency. The companies that operate private prisons are paid a per-diem or monthly rate for each prisoner they keep in their facilities. There are currently no private prisons in Argentina. Opponents of private prisons argue that incarceration is a social responsibility and that entrusting it to for-profit companies is inhumane. Proponents argue that prisons run by private companies are consistently more cost effective than those run by government agencies.

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Since 1999, the executions of drug smugglers have become more common in Indonesia, Iran, China and Pakistan. In March 2018, U.S. President Donald Trump proposed executing drug traffickers to fight his country’s opioid epidemic. 32 countries impose the death penalty for drug smuggling. Seven of these countries (China, Indonesia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, Malaysia and Singapore) routinely execute drug offenders. Asia and the Middle East’s tough approach contrasts with many Western countries who have legalized cannabis in recent years (selling cannabis in Saudi Arabia is punished by beheading).

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Which qualities are most important to you in a candidate?