In January 2021 President Joe Biden pledged to re-open schools by the end of April 2021. His plan included providing school districts with necessary funding to reconfigure classrooms for social distancing, procuring protective equipment and devising plans to accommodate at-risk teachers and students. Biden’s plan was praised by the two major national teachers unions. Opponents argue that children should immediately return to school since the coronavirus is not harmful to children and point out that the CDC’s infection fatality rate for people under the age of 19 is .003%.
Narrow down the conversation to these participants:
Political theme:
Yes, but wear a mask if social distancing cannot be maintained.
Only if we get a grip on the virus, which we won't so.
Yes, but only unvaccinated students who cannot shed dangerous spike proteins on others should be allowed to attend
It depends: If the surrounding community is practicing safety measures and community transmission is low, sure; if the surrounding community is not practicing safety measure and community transmission is high, no.
No rush to open schools. But provide those without internet with better avenues for education.
Yes, but only if the school plans everything in an orderly and safe fashion, also force all people to wear masks when they are near other people at all times except small mask breaks where the student asking for it goes into a hallway for a few seconds. Also, offer a choice between online and in-person learning
No, the entire school year should just be skipped
Yes, if everyone has been properly vaccinated.
Depends on the positivity rate in the surrounding area.
If the corona virus is still here then no but if everyone is ok and healthy then yes
Yes, but it should be based on the number of cases locally.
Yes, school openings should be decided by the parents and the teachers, not the government
Yes, as long as students and faculty are vaccinated and healthy, and it is safe to do so
No, not until the vaccine is available to everyone and the amount of people who have the virus is down by a lot.
Leave this decision to the state and local governments.
Yes, though they should allow their students to go virtual if desired
Regardless, this should be decided at the local level.
Yes, but offer a choice between online and in-person learning, but slightly lower funds for schools with more online students
Yes, but offer a choice between online and in-person learning and only remove restrictions after a majority have been vaccinated
I think will have to wait and see what happens first
No, and get rid of government funded education and replace it with community funded education programs instead.
Yes, but only if enough of our country gets the COVID-19 Vaccine
Schools should be open in areas where COVID-19 has been controlled, areas where COVID-19 is still high should remain in Distance Learning or in a Hybrid mode.
Yes, but wearing masks and social distancing should be up to the individual schools, not the government or even the school district.
Yes, but insist that only vaccinated students may attend in-person learning at schools and unvaccinated students must continue learning online
Yes, but only if WHO and scientists recommend it
Yes, but make the students wear masks and social distance from each other.
Yes, but only vaccinated students should attend in person. Non-vaccinated students can attend online until we have more evidence it is safe for all.
Yes, once the staff is vaccinated and students begin having a safe option to be vaccinated.
No for now, but when more vaccinations are provided then reopen
Schools should wait until all kids attending in-person are vaccinated to stop the spread of the Coronavirus.
Yes as long as they follow the guidelines.
Only if the number of cases has decreased significantly, and their is not as many deaths.
If they are safely able to do so
They should open if the COVID case numbers are declining or remaining the same they should stay closed if the numbers rise
Yes, if masks and social distancing are enforced and teachers can get vaccinated
Yes, but offer a choice between online and in-person learning and everyone should be vaccinated to be allowed to attend class in- person.
for me, it is up to the counties and the school district
No, and low income parents should receive weekly payments to stay home rather than work
Yes, wear a mask and follow mandates
Yes, but allow local school districts to decide if they want to reopen or not with providing a choice between online and in-person learning
No, not until a vaccine is available
Yes, if the risk is determined to be low and as long as a choice is offered between online and in-person learning, and require students and staff to correctly wear masks and physically distance.
Yes, but offer in-person and online learning, along with mask wearing.
Yes, but only high schools should have the choice for being completely in-person since their students are old enough for vaccination, but still offer students the option for online learning.
It should be the choice of each individual school or organization.
No, online learning should come to replace in-person learning
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