The Liberal Libertarian Party was a political party from Argentina founded in 2009. It defines itself both as a classical liberal and libertarian party. Its political platform advocates limited government, free markets and individual liberties including freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, right to privacy and strong civil liberties. It advocates the values of the 1853 Constitution. Its goals are to limit the government intrusion on individual liberty, reduce government spending, lower taxes on everybody, balance the budget, reduce regulations and promote free trade. Their slogan is "Individual rights, free market and non-aggression". The party emphasizes the role of free markets and individual achievement as the primary factors behind economic prosperity. To this end, they favor laissez-faire economics, fiscal conservatism, and the promotion of personal responsibility over welfare programs. A leading economic theory advocated is supply-side economics. The party has been morally opposed to increasing the public debt and raising taxes, and proposed to reduce government spending as an alternative.
Political views
See the complete list of 130 policies for the Libertarian Party