Here are your answers compared to this voter’s answers.
科学 › 强制接种疫苗
D>D Personal answer是的,但是豁免那些其宗教信仰禁止注射疫苗的孩子。 |
经济 › 税
D>D Personal answer是的 |
经济 › 离岸银行业务
D>D Personal answer是的 |
社会 › 安乐死
D>D Personal answer不,但应该允许这些患者拒绝接受人工急救 |
国内政策 › 社交媒体监管
D>D Personal answer是的 |
罪行 › 监狱过度拥挤
D>D Personal answerYes to an extent, those who have been convicted because of burglary and drug use should also not be released because they can be dangerous to those in their community |
国内政策 › 燃烧的国旗
D>D Personal answer是的 |
罪行 › Demilitarize the Police
D>D Personal answer不 |
经济 › 北美自由贸易协议(NAFTA)
D>D Personal answer是的 |
科学 › 核能
D>D Personal answer不,我们应该投资在更清洁的替代能源上,比如风能、水力发电、钍和地热 |
环境 › Animal Testing
D>D Personal answer不 |
国内政策 › 毒品政策
D>D Personal answer不,但是对提供医疗效应的毒品例如大麻进行合法化 |
总统大选 › 外国人的投票权
D>D Personal answer是的 |
罪行 › Defunding the Police
D>D Personal answer是的 |
社会 › Gender Transition
D>D Personal answerYes, but only if they are at least 16 years old and have parents permission |
罪行 › Private Prisons
D>D Personal answer不 |
外交政策 › 军费支出
D>D Personal answer减少 |
经济 › 福利毒品测试
D>D Personal answer应该,但是要为那些结果为阳性的人提供治疗办法 |
社会 › Transgender Athletes
D>D Personal answer是的 |
环境 › 塑料制品禁用
D>D Personal answer是的 |
医保 › COVID Employment Health Pass
D>D Personal answer不 |
外交政策 › 外国援助
D>D Personal answerI think the US shoul decrease spending on countries that violate human rights and are cruel to its people and should increase spending to those who are experiencing crisises. |
医保 › 安全港
D>D Personal answerYes, I think that drug use should be treated as a health issue not a criminal issue to an extent. People should be willing to take help in order to combat their addiction and one day overcome it |
环境 › 水力压裂法
D>D Personal answer不,我们应该寻求更可持续的能源 |
移民 › 公民考试
D>D Personal answer不,就连大多数公民都无法通过公民资格测试 |
移民 › 双重国籍
D>D Personal answer是的 |
移民 › 技术移民
D>D Personal answer增长 |
国内政策 › Political Advertising on Social Media
D>D Personal answer是的 |
环境 › Corporate Subsidies
D>D Personal answerNo, the government should never subsidize private businesses |
医保 › World Health Organization
D>D Personal answer是的 |
移民 › 移民同化
D>D Personal answerNo, however the government can encourage people to learn English by providing free language courses and classes |
国内政策 › 网路中立性
D>D Personal answer是的 |
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Based on 6 questions that are ranked 有点 important to you.
Based on 2 questions that are ranked 有点 important to you.
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