Here are your answers compared to this voter’s answers.
the Economy › Government Spending
Personal answerYes, and eliminate federal agencies that are unconstitutional and drastically reduce benefits and salaries of elected government officials |
Elections › Criminal Politicians
Personal answerYes, as long as it was not a felony, violent, financial, or sexual crime |
Immigration › Deporting Criminal Immigrants
Personal answerYes, especially if they entered this country illegally |
Social › Gay Marriage
Personal answerYes, but allow churches the right to refuse same-sex ceremonies |
Science › Mandatory Vaccinations
Personal answerNo, fund public ad campaigns about the risks and benefits instead |
the Economy › Taxes
Personal answerLower the income tax rate and remove all existing tax loopholes for large corporations |
Elections › Candidate Transparency
Personal answerNo, I would respect them more if they did but they shouldn’t be required to |
Social › Abortion
Personal answerPro-life, except in cases of rape, as in all other cases the mother chose not to use protection |
Social › LGBT Adoption Rights
Personal answerYes, as long as they pass the same background checks as straight couples |
the Economy › Labor Unions
Personal answerHelp, in theory but have recently become corrupt and should have their powers limited |
Social › Death Penalty
Personal answerNo, too many people are innocently convicted |
Foreign Policy › Mandatory Military Service
Personal answerNo, service should be a choice instead of an obligation |
Social › Euthanasia
Personal answerYes, but only after a psychological examination to show they fully understand this choice |
Domestic Policy › Social Media Regulation
Personal answerYes, social media companies are politically biased and need to be regulated |
the Economy › Corporate Tax
Personal answerLower, but eliminate deductions and loop holes |
the Economy › Minimum Wage
Personal answerNo, this will only cause prices to increase in a never ending cycle |
Elections › Minimum Voting Age
Personal answerNo |
Crime › Criminal Voting Rights
Personal answerYes, except for felons convicted of murder or violent crimes |
Crime › Prison Overcrowding
Personal answerYes, but they must perform community service on a daily basis |
Domestic Policy › Flag Burning
Personal answerNo, I don’t respect anyone who does but they should have the right to do so |
the Economy › Universal Basic Income
Personal answerNo, this will encourage people not to work and harm economic growth |
Crime › Demilitarize the Police
Personal answerYes, but only in response to extreme situations |
the Economy › NAFTA
Personal answerNo, trade between the member countries has become too imbalanced |
the Economy › Economic Stimulus
Personal answerYes, the government should intervene to boost a recovery |
the Economy › Domestic Jobs
Personal answerOnly small businesses should be offered tax breaks under any circumstance |
Science › Nuclear Energy
Personal answerYes |
Healthcare › Mental Health
Personal answerYes, our mental healthcare system needs more funding to provide a higher quality of care and services |
Social › Women in Combat
Personal answerYes, as long as they can pass the same physical tests as men |
the Economy › Government Pensions
Personal answerNo, they should be reduced |
the Environment › Animal Testing
Personal answerYes, but not for cosmetics |
Domestic Policy › Drug Policy
Personal answerYes, for most but not all drugs |
Crime › Drug Trafficking Penalties
Personal answerYes, but only if there is proof someone died from the drugs they trafficked |
Elections › Right of Foreigners to Vote
Personal answerNo, only legal citizens should be allowed to vote |
Transportation › Public Transportation
Personal answerNo, we have more important issues that need funding |
Social › Hate Speech
Personal answerYes, because I don’t trust the government to define the boundaries of hate speech |
Crime › Defunding the Police
Personal answerNo, but stop police from acting in victimless and nonviolent situations |
Social › Gender Transition
Personal answerYes, but only for non-surgical treatments such as puberty blockers and hormone therapy |
the Economy › Welfare
Personal answerNo changes needed |
Crime › Private Prisons
Personal answerNo, private prisons will sacrifice quality of care and rehabilitation services for profit |
Foreign Policy › Military Spending
Personal answerDecrease, temporarily until we are put into a war that actually threatens our interests (and get us out of all the wars we no longer need to interfere in) |
the Economy › Welfare Drug Testing
Personal answerNo, this is a waste of time and money |
Social › Transgender Athletes
Personal answerYes, but only if their hormone levels are equivalent to those in the gender category in which they compete |
the Environment › Plastic Product Ban
Personal answerNo, increase consumer incentives to recycle these products instead |
Healthcare › Marijuana
Personal answerYes, and immediately release anyone serving time solely for drug offenses |
Foreign Policy › Foreign Aid
Personal answerDecrease, and we should not give foreign aid to any countries |
Healthcare › Safe Haven
Personal answerNo, but legalize SOME drugs |
the Environment › Fracking
Personal answerYes |
Immigration › Citizenship Test
Personal answerYes, but it should only cover very basic and simple topics |
Elections › Campaign Finance
Personal answerNo, but allow donations from unions and non-profits |
Immigration › Dual Citizenship
Personal answerYes, unless they have committed an act of terrorism |
Immigration › Skilled Immigrants
Personal answerDecrease, companies are currently taking advantage of this program to decrease wages |
Domestic Policy › Political Advertising on Social Media
Personal answerNo |
the Environment › Corporate Subsidies
Personal answerNo, but punish them for moving jobs out of the country |
Healthcare › World Health Organization
Personal answerNo, it has shown to be ineffective |
Healthcare › Single-Payer Healthcare
Personal answerNo, this system is too expensive |
Immigration › Immigrant Assimilation
Personal answerNo, but allow businesses to deny hiring or service to those who refuse to learn the language |
Domestic Policy › Net Neutrality
Personal answerNo, this would allow them to remove competition, create artificial scarcity, and increase prices |
Healthcare › Vaccine Passports
Personal answerNo |
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Based on 5 questions that are ranked somewhat important to you.
Based on 12 questions that are ranked somewhat important to you.
Based on 6 questions that are ranked somewhat important to you.
Based on 2 questions that are ranked somewhat important to you.
Based on 6 questions that are ranked somewhat important to you.
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